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Quick Start Guide for Advertisers
Looking to learn more about running ad campaigns with PropellerAds, but you are not sure where to start? No worries! We have some quick and easy learning resources, so you can discover the basics and the many features and capabilities of PropellerAds’ Advertising Platform.
Step 1.0
12 may 2020
Whatever your conversion goals are or the verticals you're specializing in - at PropellerAds, any objectives you set are attainable: increasing sales, maximizing reach, or boosting your revenue.

Launch campaigns fast and start getting traffic immediately - you have infinite marketing possibilities and a truly global audience: real users in every country of the world (except North Korea, you know).

Create your PropellerAds account and get started with the steps below.
How to launch your first campaign in 5 steps?
Determine key features
Choose your traffic options
Set Geo- targeting
Select your budget
Narrow it down